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Message ID: 1053
Date: Thu Jul 8 07:56:57 BST 1999
Author: Entreri
Subject: Re: Crazy + Brewing...

ehehe..I brew started from 0 brewing skill one..hehe
Anyway,I only used 2 backpacks to brew but I think quite enough if the place
in between the supplies are near...

As for Smithing,lemme POST..again..kekekeke

Limited "platinum method"
21practice pt straight into Smithing
21-27skill:sharpen weapons worth more than 2g...[optional stage]
21or27-41:make scalars[towards ending 41,u should start to even out cost]
42-68:make lanterns
69-115:make Skewers
116+:banded stuff

The POWER method"where pp is nothing? ;P"
21practice pt straight into smithing

this method increases the skill the fastest..probably in a day but require
almost 50% pp more than method one though..

Best of lucks to wish-to smithers


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-----Original Message-----
From: LKW <leekw13@...>
To: 'sg-everquest@onelist.com' <sg-everquest@onelist.com>
Date: Thursday, July 08, 1999 12:01 PM
Subject: Re: [sg-everquest] Crazy + Brewing...

>From: LKW <leekw13@...>
>Wah, ya necro abit goon leh, need 10pp to max out skill, hehehe. Someone
>just mentioned he max out using only 5pp+ with 75int. Dun tell me u didnt
>pump up ya int when u create ya char, or u will sure to suffer at high
>For my brewing, I buy 160 sets of ingredients for my latest brewing, brew
>until vomit. I think I get ard 30pp during tat brewing, or maybe more, but
>I'm not gonna try to brew so much at one short again. Btw I carry 7
>backpacks on me, the last slot is looting any containers during hunting.
>I'm thinking of picking up smithing, skill 25 now, but dunno what to make
>or what to do to boost it further. ;(
>On Thursday, 08 July, 1999 9:27 AM, Cheng Shan Chieh, Freddy
>[SMTP:sccheng@...] wrote:
>> hiya guys,
>> thanks again to u guys fer helping me out last nite for the small
>donation... (i.e., Ziltus n Sereph)... i guess i took slightly more than
>the 5-7pp range... more like 10pp... but i was starting to make money by
>the 9th or 10th pp... so now i have a reasonable amount :) after brewing it
>fer awhile... but can be pretty boring brewing.... ok... just a few quick
>questions... how many of each stuff do u guys buy usuaully when u go on
>brewing fer 1 round? i have like 40 of each materials (ie.., hops, malt,
>etc)... and filled up all my backups (yes! i bought 5 backups)... n start
>brewing... any better method? or faster method? also.. i said b4 i m gonna
>return the money... although sereph u said i can keep em... if u still want
>em... do let me know... i will return em to ya...
>> now... im thinking of picking up another trade skill... maybe
>tailoring... since i can make woven fer myself... can i? or cant? any
>advice on that? or perhaps i will work abit on my levels b4 i start going
>into something... as fer that dagger yiyang is selling... someone was
>selling his fer 40pp only...
>> once again... thanks guys fer the help...
>> Nicademous
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> SC Cheng, Freddy
>> Mobile-Internet Laboratory, Multimedia Laboratory,
>> NTT DoCoMo R&D Center C212,
>> 3-5, Hikari no Oka, Yokosuka-Shi,
>> Kanagawa, 239-8536, Japan
>> Tel : +81 468-40-3497
>> Fax: +81 468-40-3788
>> Email : sccheng@...
>> << File: ATT00008.html >> << File: Cheng, Shan Chieh.vcf >>
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