/pet sit down - Order pet to sit
/pet stand up - Order pet to stand
/pet follow me - Order pet to follow you
/pet kill - Order pet to attack, must have target selected
/pet attack - Same as /pet kill
/pet back off - Order pet to back off from an attack, but if monster
continues beating on it, it will NOT back off so use with caution.
/pet as you were - Order pet to forget all commands and stand there like a
/pet report health - Order pet to give you its health status as a
/pet guard me - Order pet to attack anything that is going to attack you. I
heard before this command is not very good since it will attempt to attack
anything that glares threateninly at you or scowls at you, even if the mob
hasn't attack you. Not sure so better try on lower level stuff before you
learn it the hard way...
These commands must be given when quite close to the pet, otherwise the pet
won't respond. Anyways, gotta be careful when you leave your pet lying
around, cause if something attacks it and kill it, it WILL come to you no
matter how far ya are =)
-----Original Message-----
From: whirlnuc <
To: '
sg-everquest@onelist.com' <
Date: Wednesday, July 07, 1999 4:38 PM
Subject: [sg-everquest] Pet's commands
>From: whirlnuc <whirlnuc@...>
>This may sound silly but can any1 tell me about the pets command. The
>guide book does not mention this.
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