On Wed, 10 Nov 1999, Garramone, Michael (CCI-Las Vegas) wrote:
> >
> > Level 23: Selo's Consonant Chain
> > Upgrades: Reports from high (45+) level bards that song will
> > stop movement at half HP.
> this is not what i notice. chain will only stop a mob once it is very low
> on hp, approximately under 5 or 10% health. when i am fearing AND chaining,
> the mob will stop at 50% health.
I was stopping gnolls in Blackburrow just fine at 50%
health. One in particular I stopped, the poor newbie fighting
it didn't understand what had happened and continued to
"chase" it down the ramp. I held it there for about a half
minute, when it healed to above 50% and slowly wandered off.
So maybe there is more to it.
(Yeah I was in Blackburrow at level 40. Trumpy and some other
NPC saw my cleric friend through a wall and attacked her while
I was playing Clarity, and the subsequent faction hits dropped
me to where the Qeynos merchants wouldn't sell to me anymore.
Mind you, they used to be amiable to me before the Cazic bug
dropped me back to apprehensive with them.)
John H. Kim