a few words here...
bard= jack of all trades, master of none
silky@... wrote:
> I think that's the major complaint - we get all these neato 'other'
> class
> skills - but our caps are so low - it makes you wonder why they
> bothered? I
> don't necessarily want to track as good as a ranger, or forage - but
> I
> WOULD like to be able to have the thing be useful.
> The other thought i have to add here is that like tracking
> >for druids...its a special skill. we get it at a level and it never
> >advances..it caps at 20 and when we get it that is the skill we get
> it
> >at. Is it possible that bards get forage and its at skill lvl 40
> when
> >we get it. Just a thought... oh yeah and skill cap for druids is
> 200
> >i believe
> Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to
> toren@... with the subject lol.