Its 1HB 5/28 Magic Item wgt 6.5 lbs.
Classes and Races is All/All. I imagine this is going to be the object of a
further quest as its not too exciting as is. In fact I just heard from my
wizard friend that is already used as a component for a wizard item, The
staff of temperate flux. Whether more quests will use this item (which
identifies as a Staff of Ro) or not is unknown at this time. Its definitely
not worth a staff of writhing so go tanks!
-----Original Message-----
From: CYR, Thierry [mailto:
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 3:26 PM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Re: Lambent stone price, Staff of Solusek RO?
From: "CYR, Thierry" <
i forget what the stats are, its a wiz only staff i think, and i know a guy
on my server that traded the staff for a writhing staff hehe... go figure
a tank screwing over a wizard, thats a first...
Sol ro
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jason Rochelle [SMTP:Jasroc@...]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 5:16 PM
> To:
> Subject: [eqbards] Re: Lambent stone price, Staff of Solusek RO?
> From: Jason Rochelle <Jasroc@...>
> I have bought 2 stones, for 15pp each. One person asked me for 100, i
> told them all us bards had gotten together and would not pay more than
> 20, so she sold it to me for 15... go figure.
> What about the staff? is the lambent stone the only requirement? what
> are the stats on the staff? who can use it?
> > Message: 5
> > Date: Tue, 9 Nov 1999 09:10:20 -0500
> > From: "CYR, Thierry" <tcyr@...>
> > Subject: RE: AC Dilemma
> >
> > If its any comfort for you i've never paid over 20pp for a stone, except
> the
> > first one i paid 70 for cause i was desperate.... most of the stones
> i've
> > gotten for 15pp. i've had a few whine that it worth way more then that,
> but
> > i just laughed at them and wished em luck...
> >
> > Minkin
> > Sol Ro
> > Lev 36 questing fool
> > Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to toren@...
> with the subject lol.
Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to
toren@... with
the subject lol.