> From: Ken Bachman <kbachman@...>
> I see from the board that many of you are upset that the
> undead spawns in Kithicor were
> stopped. I'd like to make the following points:
But this is a FRPG! It would be similar to telling the Ringwraights that
they couldn't come into Hobbiton, because it's a "newbie zone". Don't get
me wrong : The points you listed are reasonable and valid, but why should we
feel perfectly safe each and everytime we cruise through Kithicor? Waiting
for daybreak to make the journey is *cool* - of course it isn't time spent
powerlevelling, but it's time spent in a FRPG world. If I was Verant, I'd
be popping out little suprises like this ALL the time.
Desmei Sightblinder
Lvl 30 Bard [Povar]