Of course, you're level 50. I'm a mere 29. I was proud that my level 29 cleric and I managed to
kill the hero! Was quite a battle!
Laluni Songhammer, 29th level bard of E'Ci.
Greg Gillan wrote:
> From: Greg Gillan <GGillan@...>
> I did the quest. Carrillion took my faction high enough for it to work. I
> was indifferent to start and he wouldn't give it to me. After playing the
> song he changed his tune though. I don't think you need to do the first
> part of the quest, but I did it anyway just to be sure. Not like its very
> hard, I was able to get off the boat, kill the cat, and get back on the boat
> before it departed.
> Elwyn Heartstring
> Level 50 Bard
> Erollisi Marr
Steven S. Klug