On a similar note this is what happened to me last night, bear in mind
>that my bard is a follower of Erollisi Marr and I have extermely good
>faction with all wood elves due to the fact that I am a wood elf and I
>have slayed too many Crushbone orcs to count (from level 3-20).
>I was on the Sister Isle helping a few friends get a bracer of erollisi.
>When as usual a pirate spawneed and attacked one of the sisters. Seeing
>this my group mate attacked the pirate and was doing perfectly fine
>against the pirate. So I joined in since I was doing nothing wihle
>waiting for the boat. Here was a follower of Erollisi and fellow wood elf
>defending his brethren against an evil pirate. So I made the mistake of
>singing Heal, anthem and chain targetting the pirate. While attacking the
>pirate I hear some battle cries from the sisters and think that they are
>going to join us in the battle. Boy was I wrong they slayed me and then
>my cleric friend. Was it me or was something totally wrong with this
>Treilanin Loreweaver
Same thing happened to my level 42 cleric friend. He tried to help out the
sister when the pirate attacked her, and got waxed by her and the other
sisters for his trouble.
-Treehugger and Songmaker