Lament is targetted - for pulling. Got 3 mobs and only want to bellow at
one to pull - use Lament. And no - when it wears off, you are not on their
hate list.
Lullaby is an AE song. Got 20 orcs dogpiling you in the entrance to
Crushbone - fire up lullaby - will give you a second to run if nothin else
(more likely the other people around you). They can and do break out of it
and when they do they are REAL ticked off at the bard - but the next pulse
puts them back to sleep if successful. I've also found lullaby a wonderful
way to help newbies. If you are standing there putting the monster to sleep
- and they only are hitting one out of 5 time - yes....when they do hit
them they wake up, but it takes the heat out between all those misses, and
if it wakes up it's usually on you - not them.
The thing a new bard has to learn about AE songs is where to safely use
them. Don't use them where there is stuff you might not want to hit
wandering by - like, ummm....guards.
>> From: silky@...
>> I have my bard - and I have an enchanter. The enchanters
>> charisma is nearly
>> twice that of my bard.
>> I just WISH her lull lined worked as effectively as lament
>> has for me since
>> the day I got it.
>So if lament is really that great, why are you higher level folks always
>arguing about whether crowd control is best done with Lullaby, Chain, or
>Charm? Is it just that they hit multiple mobs at once? Or are they better
>than Lament even for single mobs?
>Thanks to everyone who's joined in on this thread. Sorry to be such a