Sorry for the length, I'm replying to 4 digests worth of posts...
Sylly wrote:
> Also by 8 I had been back and forth a few times. I always
> bought every song
> about as soon as I could. What is the point of being a bard
> if you don't
> have all of your songs?
Well, there are a couple that are arguably useless (or so I hear, not at a
level to see for myself), so not having ALL your songs doesn't make you less
of a bard (imho). I've got two bards at level 8 on two servers. The second
one I started never bought Jig and hasn't missed it yet. Eventually I'll
get that one, but stamina hasn't been a thing to worry about yet.
Sylly also wrote:
> The lament song will be a good one for in about 2 more levels
> and then up.
Not to pick on your grammar, Sylly, but I'm not sure what you meant right
there. Are you saying it won't do me much good until 2 more levels (level
10) and then it will always be a keeper? Or are you saying after level 10 I
won't use it much?
And finally Sylly wrote:
> At your age you can be hunting the first and mid parts of
> BlackBurrow Paw.
Hmm, I'd been liking West Karana. Room to run, less lag. I'll have to
check out Paw though. Can't stand Blackburrow. Is the loot in Paw similar
to that in BB?
someone who's name I've inadvertently deleted spoke thusly:
> can get Menkes Tolbet in South Qeynos to make you Snake Fang
> Necklaces and
> re-sell those in the snake places in east commonlands for 1
> to 2pp. Their
> value goes way up when your buyer is sitting there with the
> poison icon on
> his screen <eg>
THANK YOU!! I thought I needed a cleric to cure poison. This is very good
to know.
>Rokenn wrote:
> NPC's near Surefall
> Glade (Baobob and Chanda Miller). They will
> make wolf and bear hide armor
> items that are usuable by the caster class.
Aaaahhh!!! I've been selling those pelts!! Of course, on Tunare, the
Millers' life expectancies are about 3 seconds anyway...
Frashii wrote:
> 2. 'Lament' (Make em sad) the ones you DON'T want to fight.
> 3. Attack one of the ones you DO want to fight, pull it back
> a ways (to
> get out of the aggro range of his buddies)
Hmm, I was under the impression you had to keep them within the songs range
and keep lament in your mix of songs. Guess not. So, let's say I lament a
blue mob, pull a white mob off to the side & kill it, then decide to leave
the blue mob alone. When the lament wears off, am I on it's hate list? And
if I am, will it come across a zone to find me?
> From: silky@...
> I have my bard - and I have an enchanter. The enchanters
> charisma is nearly
> twice that of my bard.
> I just WISH her lull lined worked as effectively as lament
> has for me since
> the day I got it.
So if lament is really that great, why are you higher level folks always
arguing about whether crowd control is best done with Lullaby, Chain, or
Charm? Is it just that they hit multiple mobs at once? Or are they better
than Lament even for single mobs?
Thanks to everyone who's joined in on this thread. Sorry to be such a
Evulia of Tunare
Kingbird of Brell