> ... I think there are five spawn points on the first level ...
Six, actually. Also, two on the ramp, four in the warrior room, three in the
raider room.
> ...Is the spawn rate faster
> further down in the basement? Are there more things to fight in the basement
> than on the first level?
> Thanks
> Galtin of E'Ci
No, they're not faster. No, there is nothing more downstairs except tougher
picklaws. It's good but boring exp. Great for doing laundry, reading a good book,
etc.. Particularly good if you like chatting to other players. I've met a lot of
different players this way and had a chance to actually get to know them somewhat.
I have some expectation that this will help me find some groups more easily when I
Kenross Cantoforjado, 30 songs (still), Innoruuk