I'd say Charisma does have an effect as a penalty to the target's resistance
roll. Again to draw a Rolemaster comparison (these seem to fit the model a
lot don't they?) it seems to last:
#Pulses = Amount Resistance Roll failed by / X
Thus it should seem to last longer on creatures with lower
resistance or lower level, but not always as the random factor can kick in.
Gives a variable length as can be seen but if a roll of say 95 still fails
by 40 and X is 10 it would still last 4 pulses on that very green mob. When
that 96 comes up (open-ended in Rolemaster for those who don't know) and a
second roll of say 50 is added to it for a total of 145 the very green mob
resists successfully. This seems to be true but unlike Rolemaster the base
number needed to resist in EQ, when the target is 7 levels higher than the
caster, jumps to zero so that the MOB cannot fail to resist a spell from
someone more than 6 levels below it.
Don't have Charm song yet, but does it seem to follow this
same pattern? i.e. does it last longer on very green mobs than on blues and
-----Original Message-----
kim@... [mailto:
Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 1999 4:05 PM
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Digest Number 465
From: <
On Wed, 27 Oct 1999, RaceFace wrote:
> How long does the effect of the Lament last after you sing it to the mobs?
> Will I have to do it over again when I take on the next mob?
It lasts several minutes for me. Others say it only lasts
about 10 seconds. Dunno, maybe charisma has something to do
with it.
I used it to break up the king area in Permafrost solo. The
first time I tried it, I'd lamented all the mobs on the floor.
I fought an elite guard down to below half health when a
newly-spawned priest above us started healing it. I charmed
the elite and ordered it to attack the priest, only to watch
in horror as it decided the shortest route to the priest was
through all the floor mobs. Of the four remaining floor mobs,
only the patriarch (who was actually the most recently
lamented) was activated by the guard's passage. The rest were
still lamented.
Unfortunately, the guard, patriarch, and priest were enough to
do me in. :-P
John H. Kim
Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to toren@... with
the subject lol.