The highest person in the group was 34th level. I'm 25th level. We were
fighting deathly ushers/ heralds, dark ritualists/offerers. All were deep red
to me. Not certain what they conned to the 34th level person. We were in the
secret room with four doors right next to the graveyard. At 25th level, no way
am I going any further into the castle. So heres the original question worded a
little different:
Based on the type of mobs listed above, what is the highest level character I
should group with in order to get experience similar to that from fighting the
yard trash with other characters my level?
Galtin of E'ci (whose brain is starting to hurt and should just play the game
for fun instead of worrying about experience but who also wants to gain some
levels fast so he can go into Solusek to get the bard quest components)
> In other words, does grouping with higher level characters fighting mobs that
> con red to you equal (or come close to equalling) grouping withequal level
> characters fighting mobs that con blue to you?
> The way JM described it, the fraction of the experience for a
> kill that you get is:
> your total experience
> ------------------------
> party's total experience
> So you should get good experience provided you kill things
> that are reasonably difficult for the average level of the
> party. If you kill stuff blue to the lowest level person,
> it'll be very slow.
> --
> John H. Kim
> kim@...