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Message ID: 9092
Date: Tue Oct 26 17:31:41 BST 1999
Author: kim@xxxxxxxxxx.xxxx
Subject: Re: good places/bad places for chords and other AE songs in guk

On Mon, 25 Oct 1999, G.W. Willman, IV wrote:
> I have a question on good places/bad places for AE songs... last night
> my guild was spelunking around in upper guk ruining our factor and we ran
> into multiple spawns in numerous locations (this was our first time there as
> a group, and on Nameless it rocked to see 7 people total in the zone, 6 of
> whom comprised my group) - ideal places to use AE songs, however I've read
> horror stories... so I wimped out and didn't use them.

I haven't had many problems with AE songs in Upper Guk.
There are a couple areas where upper and lower level overlap,
as well as a couple "thin" walls, but I've never died there as
a result of AE causing a train. Just be careful of using it
around obvious multi-level locations (ladders, bridges, etc).

John H. Kim