I don't have answers for you but I have a related question I will tack on to
yours. Last night I grouped with another bard in Unrest. He sang Psalm of
Cooling while I sang Psalm of Warmth. I also had Elemental Rhythms
memorized. When we fought skeletons that could cast spells, we had both of
the Psalms up. However, when I tried to weave Elemental Ryhtnms I never got
the message that it kicked in I assume that indicates it doesn't stack with
the Psalm series. Can someone confirm this please?
To recap, here is what I know about our resist buffs songs.
1) Elemental and Purifying rhythms do not stack together
2) Guardian Rhythms will stack with Elemental or Purifying.
Need to confirm:
1) Do the rhythm series songs stack with the Psalm series?
Galtin of E'ci
> Greetings, I am a newly 27th bard ON tarrew Marr and I have a couple
> questions reguards a few songs.
> I know psalm of warmth adds a 5 point damage shield. I am wondering how
> much
> damage the the psalm of cold is?
> 2. the song Psalm of Vitality as I have listed is JUST poison resist.
> Since
> it is a Psalm I am wondering if it ( and psalm of purity as well) are
> damage
> shields as well and if so how much.
> 3. I have pretty much started to phase out bellow song to use the slot for
> something more group oriented. My question is the level 30 Fufils
> curtailing
> chant. It stated target damage and -magic resist. I would like to know
> more
> about this song i e how much dd it does and is that song worth taking up a
> song slot for another DD song? how much MR does it lower? This follows
> along
> with my curiosity of the other chants (flame etc)
> Thanks for the information ahead of time..
> Tuldar newly 27th song.