> From: "Daniel P. Sniderman" <fuzzbone@...>
> All we have is theories based on observation - and who knows how much the
> dreaded random number generator affects this? Perhaps it's the playing of
> songs. Other theories - high charisma. Low Hit points...
It might be either of those two, but it doesn't seem to effect
enchanters standing by watching a fight, and they have both higher charisma
and lower hit points than bards (in most cases)
> I would guess that at times Class is a factor. I've seen messages from
> Mobs
> lately - I forget the exact wording - but to the affect that "I hate bards
> like you..."
The mobs that say this, say it about all classes. If you're a monk,
they'll say "I hate monks like you..."
> So in this case - I would say bard hate does exist.
> Otherwise - your guess is as good as mine!
I'd personally have to say it does exist. Only recently have I not
been the center of a single mobs attack. ( if there are multi-mobs, they
come after either me,the cleric, or the enchanter). I'm level 24 and now
most of the melee types are doing far more damage than me, and so the mobs
leaves me alone, or the casters do far more damage than me, and they leave
me alone. Pre-level 20, I was doing somewhat less damage than pallies,
monks, warriors, yet the mobs would stick to me like glue. Of course part of
this is as a bard, I was usually relegated to pulling duty also, so I was
tops on their hate list before battle started, but it would often happen
regardless of whether I pulled or not.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <galen@...>
> To: <eqbards@onelist.com>
> Sent: Friday, October 22, 1999 10:18 AM
> Subject: [eqbards] Bard Hate...
> > From: galen@...
> >
> > I have been hearing rumors that "bard hate" does not really exist...
> Anyone actually have proof that it does?
> >
> > Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to toren@...
> with the subject lol.