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Message ID: 8765
Date: Fri Oct 15 18:51:44 BST 1999
Author: John Robertson
Subject: Re: Bard quests

Abraham Hardjana wrote:

> From: Abraham Hardjana <ahardjan@...>
> I have inside sources that say she may have been taken off the server for
> a little moment to fix a bug with the vendor. This was evident because I
> heard that people who can track her often see her name as !Genni which
> signifies a broken NPC.

For my quests, I don't actually even need Genni. According to what she used to say:

You say, 'what is sapphire?'

* Genni says 'My Brother Gardern holds the secret to making Sapphire Lambent Stones. Though he will
not speak of it, if you give him two sapphires and a Lambent Stone he will make you Sapphire Lambent.


It's her brother who makes the lambent sapphires, which is what I need. Do you think that Gardern
would still cough up lambent sapphires if Genni wasn't around?
