They are in the game it took me 2 griffons a couple of sg and a few hg to
get one. The BAD news is i made a lambent ruby.. got my basalt carapice on
my 3rd garg and used my gypsy lute..and got NOTHING in return :( I
petitoned and was told to bug report it..sigh I am so disappointed!
Elyana Shimada
Bardess ofthe 42nd chorus
Innoruuk Server
>called the wife. out of the 3 basalt gargoyles in the spider hall, one
>dropped a basalt carapace her first pull. out of the shin ghoul knights in
>the bedroom, one dropped the shin greaves. i am liking this so far. now
>the bad news. 7 sand giants, 5 Griffins, 3 Hill Giants and NO lambent
>stones. argh. i told her to petition and make sure they are in the game.
>Shada Bladestorm, Level 50 Wood Elf Bard
>Erisi Dlarit, Level 24 High Elf Paladin
>Tyria Sarkin, Level 22 High Elf Wizard
>Manda, Level 14 Wood Elf Warrior
>Mithaniel Marr Server
>>Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to toren@...
with the subject lol.