kim@... wrote:
> From: <kim@...>
> I agree with the other comment, you should probably be
> meditating while testing this. Also, immediately after the
> test you should cast a spell that takes a known amount of mana
> in bubbles, to see if there is any phantom mana effect that's
> making it appear as if you have more mana than you do.
I would suggest NOT meditating for these tests, unless there is the possibility that jig only
affects mana regen while meditating. Meditation adds a large random element to mana
regeneration. As I understand it, when you meditate, every tick there's a chance that meditation
will make your mana regeneration higher than just sitting.
In any case, I have heard from two different Verant employees (both of them game designers, not
just GMs), though neither of them were GZ himself (who is the only person who knows
definatively), that the jig has no effect on mana regeneration, so my mind is already made up.