>I dunno about that, seems unlikely.
>I had a rather heated debate online over the weekend with some arrogant
>player on E'ci (forget the name because I was too flamed) who started the
>"debate" by sending me a private tell that I was the worst bard to ever
>the game because I was not singing Jaxon's Jig between fights to increase
>manna regen. He then got my group started in on it (I was the group
>and everyone was against me claiming I should sing the song and that it
>works especially well for manna regen when using the Mistmoore drum (which
>do not have by the way).
>I tried to explain the myth to them but no one wanted to hear about it and
>this guy just kept saying he "hates to see someone play the character class
>so poorly". Well I got totally ticked off and lost my temper and started
>cussing like crazy at him (in private tell) to which he responded he would
>get his bard character and meet me and kick my A** all over highkeep, to
>which I brilliantly responded "kiss my a** you stupid fu**er" (I know, real
>intelligent). He said he was going to tell two of my party members
>of his) to leave my group so I decided forget this (was now shaking in rage
>and very insulted by this guy) so I disbanded my group, apologized to the
>nice people in it, and logged out.
>I wish I could remember this guy's name so I could post it here but as I
>said I was seeing red at the time.
>My point is that there are tons of lies and falsehoods about our abilities
>that trolls and generally uninformed people love to spread for some reason
>or another.
> E'ci
Yes it seems unlikely, and I do not completely trust the guy who broadcast
this over guildchat. However, your situation is a little different because
there is no hard number to look at while testing Jig vs Mana Regen, and
sometimes mana status bars can appear slower or faster due to lag of one
kind or another. This guy is claiming an exact number of hp healed by Hymn +
Gypsy Lute (45 at 46th level), and I won't bother to slam him for false info
until I know wether or not it's true.
By the way, I do recall a post by J.M. Capozzi months ago on the Jig vs mana
regen debate, and he stated that rumor as myth. I don't mind believing him,
especially since mana song is a DEFINITE.
Sartori D'Elsiraad <The Companions>
Bard of Kelethin of the 48th Chorus