At 01:16 PM 5/17/99 -0700, you wrote:
>From: Rich Mulawa <richard.mulawa@...>
>I am looking for a real list that describes the actual effects of the
>bard songs. I am tired of +attack spd, +AC, dmg etc.
Um - that's about as clear as most lists will get. If you like you can
check out my list at - but
that's more RP oriented, and might confuse you more. I really suggest the
list at or any of the lists that include a
review of the spell.
> Chant of Battle
>and Anthem de Arms are almost indestinguishable in effect as far as I
>can tell and with no detailed description I have no clue when one is
>better to use then the other.
Anthem is MUCH better than Chant. It's more noticeable in groups, but the
Anthem speeds up your attack speed - something Chant does not do. Trust
me, tres valuable.
>Chord of Dissonance gives me no
>indication of much much dmg I do and if I choose not to juggle then I
>give up STR and AC to use it.
Given a choice, I'd burn Chords out of my songbook completely. What a
waste above 10th. At 12th, you should purchase, memorize and use the
Bellow. It may not seem like much (max of 7hp per "hit") but, first, that
adds up, and second, you can juggle it really nicely with the Anthem.
>Currently I have just taken to juggling between anthem, chant, and CoD
>while wading into battle. Just made 12th but have not purchased many
>songs above 7th lvl. Asside from healing (with mandolin) during or
>after battle my groups have not been overly enthused about the bard
Well, first off, skip Chords completely from now on. Use Anthem and
*something else* during combat, unless your team starts to get a bit
trashed. If you can, back off, start the hymn to help heal a bit. Before
combat, the Lament (used WITH instrument) is a VERY powerful tool indeed!
>One last note is it true that song 11 and 14 do not work. If so that
>really blows. We only get 1 song a level (most of which are truely
>useless I only use 4 songs now and I am 12th level for cripes sake and
>now I get double screwed at 11 and 14th?!?
Yep, but the way I understand it, everything that we're screwed on will get
fixed or replaced in the next 6 months. And, just for comparisons sake,
I'd like you to check out -
The Spellsongs for Bards in DragonRealms (a text-based massive mud) This
game has been around for over 5 years, but look at how much they still
don't have working... And people wonder why I left DR.