What might be even more hilarious is if some of us could act as shepards,
get some gnome enchanter up to 4th level so we could invis everyone. A huge
party of gnomes wandering across Norrath disappearing and reappearing at
random would be hysterical. We could all stay entirely silent to requests
of "what are you doing?" and just see how many people we could get to follow
us. As we leap into the lava we can all scream
"Are you sure that's the entrance to the Temple of Solusek Ro?"
-----Original Message-----
jhenders@... [mailto:
Sent: Friday, October 08, 1999 2:40 PM
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Bard list gettogether - REPOSTED INFO
On Fri, Oct 08/99, Ryan Honeyman <slasher@...> wrote:
> From: Ryan Honeyman <slasher@...>
> I'm in, refresh my memory when it is supposed to happen.
> Which server, what time, etc, etc.
Maybe a lot of people missed it due to high list activity yesterday, if
so here's a report. So far I hadn't got as far as picking a server or
time/date. My initial post was just floating a balloon to see if anyone
was interested. As to server/time, if there's enough interest, I will
try to coordinate a time that is most convenient to all who want to
attend. Server wise, if someone is in a guild that would like to host
the event and provide lemming support (binding, resses for gnomes that
die along the way, etc, we will hold it there, otherwise, I'll just pick
one of the lesser used servers (heh, maybe a race war server)
Here's the original post.
Date: Thu, 7 Oct 1999 10:43:23 -0700
To: eqbards@onelist.com
I was wondering if enough people on the list would be interested for it
to be worth organising a gettogether on one of the servers. As obviously
we couldn't do much serious adventuring with L1 characters for those
visiting from other server, I thought the alternative would be to do
something silly.
About the silliest (and fun looking) thing I've seen done so far is the
naked troll race. While I wouldn't want to steal that particular idea, I
think borrowing the concept is ok, so what I had in mind was something
called the March of the Lemmings. The idea would be to all create L1
gnomes and march all across Faydwer, take the boat to Freeport, then go
up to Lavastorm and jump off the edge of the Solusek crater into the
molten lava. However, if someone can come up with a sillier or less
derivitive idea, I'm certainly open to that as well.
Anyone interested? How many people are on the list now? Maybe we should
put up a poll to see who would come.
Phayde t'Blaak - L49 Bard - Tarrew Marr
Artificial Intelligence stands no chance against Natural Stupidity.
GAT d- -p+(--) c++++ l++ u++ t- m--- W--- !v
b+++ e* s-/+ n-(?) h++ f+g+ w+++ y*
Please send submissions for the eqbards newsletter to toren@... with
the subject lol.