kim@... wrote:
> On Thu, 7 Oct 1999, Brian Dickens wrote:
> >
> > dressed in her banded armor. Oh, and not all of the
> > women are eye catching. I personally have never looked
> > twice at a female ogre, troll, halfling, dwarf, or
> > gnome. :)
> The bearded female dwarf made me look twice. :-)
> My enchantress is the blond female Gnome, and even SHE gets an annoying
amount of attention.
As a male (RL), playing a couple of female characters (aside from being
fun and amusing) has been educational in an unsettling sort of way. I
was soloing a low-level (6 or 7) female human warrior one night, and for
slightly over an hour, every time I turned around (literally), the same
male character was following me, hiding behind rocks and trees. He
didn't say anything for about 45 minutes, then started sending suggestive
tells to me. I was being stalked! And, even in the safety of my own
living room, it felt pretty damned creepy.
Something to think about...
Kenross Cantoforjado, 27 songs, Innoruuk