> Date: Thu, 07 Oct 1999 12:54:50 -0700
> From: Ryan Honeyman <slasher@...>
> Subject: Re: Re: New Bard Quests!
> >There are /feedback and /bug commands to take care of
> >these types of problems. These commands will be routed
> >to the Developers who can fix the problem. Or email your
> >complaints to Verant directly.
> In theory you are absoutely right, however in practice
> typing in /bug and some information is like putting stuff
> in the bitbucket. I'm not convinced that /feedback and
> /bug actually get examined often enough. I've already
> done those things, yet the problem continues. /petition
> makes the Guide log my complaint in their database of
> things that are wrong.
You might be correct that a GM verged bug may get more attention. But
repeatedly /petitioning the same bug everytime it occurs is of little use.
> And as for taking up too much
> time. The guide merely needs to answer me that he
> received my complaint and logged it. He doesn't need
> to visit me or even think about any issue, he just needs
> to field my call, like a good support rep would.
But if many people did the same thing you do, it would take the GMs a
significant portion of time to process. If all of the 1500 players did one
petition a night, and each /petition only took 2 minutes to log, thats 50
hours a night of GM time. Do you think there should be 6 GMs on every night
to just handle logging bugs into a database?
> >Well if IDIOTS fill the petition queue with RETARDED petitions
> I assume that means me the 'idiot' with the 'retarded'
> question doesn't pay the 10 bux a month to get some kind
> of support? Bzzzzt. Wrong answer. Too few guides/GMs
> is the root of your frustration with not getting answered
> quickly enough. My problem isn't life threatening, then
> again no one's really is - it's a game. A game that needs
> a lot of work, imo. If I make my voice heard enough,
> something is bound to change. Plus this problem affects
> everyone in my party, not just me.
The game does need a lot of work. As you said, the squeaky wheel gets the
oil. But squeak to the person holding the oil, not the GMs that are pushing
the cart.
> Dark Elf Necro kills Cros Treewind.
> I am in the kill radius playing Clarity for five people.
> I invoke a faction hit (bug) and my party is now KOS in
> Surefall/Qeynos/Kelethin.
Thinking about this bug, I think I know what is causing it. Bards AOE songs
"touch" everyone in a certain radius. Then the song checks to see which of
these people the song should actually affect. Now the faction hit code
checks to see who has been involved in the killing. Since your song has
"touched" the killer, you loose faction. This is probably the cause of many
"bard-hate" incidents.
> You think thats retarded not to petition? I'm an idiot =)
Did the petition get this bug fixed? Did your faction get repaired? I
don't think so.