I have from a good source that this song is in fact broken, and currently
being worked on. I'm trying to get permission to repost the message this
info came from here. But until then, I will not (it may be under NDA, etc.)
At 06:48 PM 10/6/99 -0700, you wrote:
>From: kbachman <kbachman@...>
>I have played with this song a bit, and while I do not think it is worth
>having memorized, I'm not convinced that it is broken. On eight
>different occasions, I have had a negative effect disappear as soon as
>the song did its first static charge pulse. This has only happened on
>the first pulse of the song, it has only removed DOT buffs (from Necros,
>SKs or Shamen), and it has often failed to remove DOT buffs, but the fact
>that eight negative buffs have disappeared on the first pulse suggests to
>me that it may actually be working (it may just be relatively worthless).
>Or I may be the delusional victim of a misleading, albeit unlikely,
>series of coincidences. ;P Has anyone else noticed this?
>Kenross Cantoforjado, 27 songs, Innoruuk
Steven S. Klug