> Hmmm....you're right about necros -- Gathering Shadows they call it -- my
> mistake. I wondered why they had been zeroed out. Don't know about shamans.
> I know they don't get it before 20, and the one spell list I have seen that
> has spells up that high didn't have it listed. However, even if it is there
> at 29, it is a long time to go before you get it.
Well, to respond to this, and your earlier message. Every caster
class gets at least 1 option to avoiding engagements on corpse retrieval,
many get 2. One is invis, the other is root. Yes, some classes don't get
these spells until lvl 9 or 16 or so, but that's not really the point.
The difference between the various melee classes and the various caster
classes don't really begin to show themselves until around this time
anyways. If one tries to argue that a melee class can get to their corpse
easier than a caster because a level 1 warrior has more hp than a level 1
wizard, that argument is completely invalid when discussing the two
classes as a whole.
> Again, though, this is still irrelevant to my main premise, which is that
> there isn't a compelling need for melee classes to be able to bind or bind
> anywhere. I can't argue that it wouldn't be more convenient, because it
> would be, I just don't believe that it is critical.
My argument isn't that melee classes NEED bind, but that bind SHOULD be
able to work on melee classes. Binding in city zones only was a quick-fix
to the problem of malicious binds.
There's very little left in the game that could be considered "critical"
changes. People will play their classes however they have to to make it
"work" and allow them to advance. None of the changes Verant is making
now is critical in my opinion, but that's totally irrelevant to whether
something should or should not happen.
Miriana Windryder