I buy spider silks wherever I can find them. I regularly run from Qeynos to
Rivervale checking every merchant in W Karana, N Karana, E Karana and Misty.
At the same time I auction as I run to buy them for 4gp each. Merchants
sell them for 2.4 gp each when you can find them. I also use the 4gp price
to figure my pricing and profits and even at that price the armor sells
well. I also try to kill as many spiders as I can. The ones in E Karana
seem to drop silk more often than the lower level ones elsewhere. I'd get
used to the fact though that tailoring is the only trade skill where you
cannot raise your skill solely on store bought items. also with fish you
will make more money with fish fillets than with fishrolls if money making
is your aim.
Master Baker
Capable Tailor
Capable Smith
Capable Brewer
-----Original Message-----
From: Mike Roach [mailto:
Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 1999 1:38 PM
To: '
Subject: RE: [eqbards] A trade skill question for the gallery.
From: Mike Roach <
I have a question for you Kitasi (or anyone else), where do you get your
spider silks? Do you actually have to go out and kill innumerable giant
spiders, or is there a place you can just buy these and cut out all the
running around?
For example...I have been working on baking lately and I had saved up about
80 fresh fish I had caught and after trying to kill bats (for their wings)
on the order of obtaining about 80 batwings for "fish rolls" I finally gave
up and found a merchant selling batwings for cheap enough that I "ate" the
loss and bought a backpack full. This is what I would like to do with
spider silks instead of running all over the place at level 29 killing
spiders like some kind of wild neurotic arachnophobe.
Hints, suggestions?
-Faras Tar'Linedhel
Master Brewer
Master Potter
Master Fisherman
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Kimes, Dean W. [mailto:Dean_Kimes@...]
> Sent: Tuesday, October 05, 1999 2:35 PM
> To: 'eqbards@onelist.com'
> Subject: RE: [eqbards] A trade skill question for the gallery.
> From: "Kimes, Dean W." <Dean_Kimes@...>
> Patchwork is all trivial at 26. Raw silk begins triviality
> at 33 (gloves,
> mask) and is still not all trivial at 39. Cured Silk does not begin
> triviality until after at least 44 where I am now unless it
> is the masks,
> haven't made one of those in a few points. Also the raw silk
> and Cured silk
> will sell to vendors for about break even. I wouldn't
> suggest that unless
> desperate though since the Cured is selling for 2-3pp per AC
> point currently
> (at least on E'ci) and even the raw silk sells at 1pp+ per Ac
> pt. Boots are
> the biggest sellers for me. No one seems to want a raw silk
> tunic, but the
> Cured Silk tunic is so popular (due to giving that buff
> guildmaster look) I
> have been selling them for 25pp with no complaints or
> question. The Cured
> pants are also very popular because the AC to wt ratio for
> them is ungodly
> good compared to even mesh. Pants normally have the worst
> AC/wt ratio of
> any piece in an armor set so these are an amazing upgrade
> even over mesh.
> Kitasi soon to be master tailor
> (assuming bards don't have another ridiculous skill cap
> that stops
> me!)