Ted, However, IS NOT a true bard (in the EQ sense), as he has a well known GM lvl
archery skill. Mr. Nugent must be the uniquely rare bard/ranger hybrid. While I
might wish for even a capped archery skill and I am quite sure many rangers would
love to have a back-up firearm skill for their archery.... I happy to not have his
negative hits with the Ultra-Liberal, PETA, Elevator Music and Anti-Gun Factions.
PS. Saw him play in Aug. The MCMM (Motor City MadMan) is still deadly with the axe.
(Didn't get a chance to examine his equip for whatever gave him the STA +'s)
> Maybe not Aerosmith but I was at a Ted Nugent concert where he set his
> Guitar against an amp in full feedback mode and left the stage with
> the Sound system screaming full bore. A perfect example of a DOT
> song... I fled to the Lobby till he cam to his senses. As for bosses
> casting spells, anyone ever been to one of Steve Jobs little media
> events...