At 10:54 AM 10/4/99 -0700, you wrote:
>At least on our server, the GM's have told us that using that way in to
>do a Vox raid would be considered an exploit. They do have a huge agro
>range too. On our server, we've managed Nagafen, but Vox kicked our
I'm sorry, but THIS I don't understand. Now they want to say that using a
DIFFICULT TO ACCESS "secret entrance" is an EXPLOIT!?
Okay, so, using invisibility to sneak past an aggro mob should be an
exploit, and so should using your sword if the mob doesn't have one.
Good ghod! Is there no end?! If I hear so much as a breath of something
this inane on my server, I will probably sign off. For good. That's just
too far, I'm sorry. If they didn't want the hole to be there, they
wouldn't have built it.
Talies the Wanderer
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