> I think one of Verant's concerns is that if they change the
> bind policy, it
> would be easier for groups to take out the uber-mobs like Lady Vox.
Solution simple. Make bind usable anywhere by anyone. Make
'danger areas' that you can't bind in such as Nagafen's Lair
or the area around Lady Vox. Heck, make it so that you can't
bind within a given radius of any NPC's if you want. No
problem there.
> Melee/hybrid classes could just loot their corpse and
> reenter the battle.
What is the difference between a melee class being able
to do this and a casting class being able to do this?
The time it takes to loot the melee class's corpse to
get his armor, weapons and such would probably be just
the same amount of time it would take a caster to
load up their spells without even bothering to grab
the stuff off their corpse.
> 2) If a character gets killed, and the mob that killed
> them is still alive when they reappear at their bind
> point, that character can no longer do damage to
> the mob.
Think of this in the big picture instead of just against
Vox or Nagafen. This would cause so many problems it's