I'm all for roleplaying, but let me add my $.02 here (2 copper?)
Though I do not fall into the following characterization, not all
bards must roleplay a jovial singer of sweetness and light.
It's perfectly possible to have a bard who's a scoundrel and
a rogue! One who puts his thief skills to actual use, for example.
A charming bard could make a wonderful confidence man (or woman)
... and while the "good" bards certainly wouldn't like what he's doing,
that wouldn't necessarily keep him (her) from doing it.
We are, after all, not paladins.
-Daithi, Ollave of the Soerbaird
From: Marc Allie <
eqbards@onelist.com <
Date: Tuesday, April 20, 1999 1:17 PM
Subject: [eqbards] Hail from Pistov of Cazic-Thule
>From: Marc Allie <mallie@...>
> Hail, fellow bards. I am Pistov, a 10th level Bard currently residing
>in the metropolis of Freeport in the world of Cazic-Thule. I have been
>listening to all of the fine discussion by all, and like any bard worth
>his lute strings, I have a few things to say as well.
> First of all, regarding charging for locating a corpse, think of it
>this way. Bards, Shadow Knights, and Necromancers are the only classes
>who have this talent. Charging for this service seems a greedy and
>selfish act, much more suited to those evil undead mongers, I would say.
>We as bards work best in a group, and the more friends we have the better.
>Locating a corpse for free has made me many a travelling partner. Coming
>from one who was a wizard in a past life, it is FAR easier for us to sing
>the song of speed and run in a straight heading to locate a corpse than it
>is to wander around, lost, at a normal run searching fruitlessly.
>Performing this task for free gives all bards a good name.
> Another thing I wanted to mention. I myself tire of seeing a Dark Elf
>Necromancer, a Troll Warrior, and a High Elf Paladin all in the same party.
>Please, try to role play at least a little. Bards are well suited to
>promoting role playing, since by our nature we are highly social. It is
>easy enough to make a few hotkeys that add a little flavor to the game.
>Consider this:
>Pistov shouts, '10 Bard wanting to join group for dervish hunting.'
>Pistov shouts, 'I grow weary of singing to myself, I need an audience! If
>you would care to listen to a 10th level bard, please give a tell.'
> I guarantee you will have more success with the latter. And it really
>promotes good role playing. We as bards should be good examples for others
>to follow. Try it, and I am sure you will begin to have much more fun.
>Fare well, all, and may the muses bless you! Perhaps some of us may meet
>some day!
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