Well the greatest pity of ongoing quests in Everquest is the fact they are
few and far between and they are geared towards higher level characters.
Even mid level quests are tiresome, since a gm run quest usually amounts
to something is happening.... See gating level 50s.... see ice comet hit
the GMs... See the level 50s loot and gate out. If there was only a way
to let quests for a specific level group remain for a specific level
group. Oh well can't have it all ~_^.
Treilanin Loreweaver
Bard of Kelethin
Honour Guard, Karana
Whose heart has been snared by a certain wood elf ranger...
On Thu, 30 Sep 1999, Blair, Keith (Keith Blair) wrote:
> From: "Blair, Keith (Keith Blair)" <kblair@...>
> > Actually if its the quest I'm thinking of we tried
> > to abort it on E'ci on purpose!
> And people wonder why there's not more on-going quests
> in Norrath.
> >