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Message ID: 7370
Date: Thu Sep 30 00:49:27 BST 1999
Author: Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4
Subject: Bards and languages (was Language training)

Another neat effect that could be applied to languages is if songs sung in a
mobs native language had a better chance of success, i.e. lowers their
chance to resist. I think someone brought this up a long time ago on this
list but I don't remember who it was. I doubt this will ever happen because
its too easy to raise language skills with spamming. Anyone have an idea on
how Verant could implement something like this without making it a class
balance issue?

Galtin of E'ci

Message: 16
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 1999 00:24:09 -0500
From: "Christine" <christine@...>
Subject: Re: Re: Language training

>> which got me to wondering. What DO they give us that
>> many languages for?
>I believe they're needed for research. Not that that's
>very useful for Bards.. but for casters, they need the
>languages. But that's just what I've heard, can't
>verify it myself.

What would be neat is if the creatures actually spoke their native tongues
all the time, and each time a gnoll yelled at you, you actually had a chance
to learn a little gnollish. :) So in the begging you'd see:

A gnoll says, 'Wok wollo ulmplatim oke an llyels om lma obbla for!'

And it would soon become:

A gnoll says, 'Your infamous reputation is an affront to all I stand for!'

Would be neat watching it improve as you learn.
