>Well, I certainly don't do the dance. I was all
>excited about it when I got to 16, but to my dismay,
>I don't do the dance! :( I even left my computer on,
>and put my bard in a safe place just so I could max
>her skill out to see if maybe that was the problem,
>but it isn't. Maybe it's just on some servers that
>female bards don't? I'll ask on my server if this is
>the case.
>Lavender-Eyed Lady of Song L17
>The Rathe
Well, I happen to like the silly little flute dance,
so I was quite pleased when I learned it. Brangwen, is
it possible that you are playing with the mino horn
instead of with the flute? It has been told that using
the mino horn causes the bard not to dance. I can
understand since blowing through a horn ripped from
the head of a mino would hardly make me want to dance.
That is why I play my flute, even when I'm not
Take care,
P.S. Anyone know where I can but tall beers? I want to
make beer braised bear, but can't find the beer for it.