I created a Half Elf and have a base Str of 95. My Half Elf Ranger and Wood
Elf Ranger friends are both constantly encumbered and either skip loot or
fight impoverished if we're not close to a merchant. Lavastorm is one area
that comes to mind. I'm almost in full banded, except for some magical
pieces and still have an advantage, while they can only acquire a few choice
pieces of banded.
I'd suggest str. : )
>I also disagree that str is the best stat. I pumped 5 into str, and put the
>rest in charisma. I almost never fizzle when twisting, and I get incredible
>prices on items at the store. I've also been able to access vendors most
>other of my type can't - even without killing to adjust factions.
>I have purchased very expensive items for people at such savings that I got
>a few plat for myself as a reward.
>I have also engaged in buying loot from people at a rate they are happy
>and sold it for profit (ogres and trolls come to mind).
>There's no simple answer about stats, it's just based on what kind of
>character you want to play. I would add the Roleplay bit into it... think
>about your character and what he/she is like. Take the attributes you think
>your character really has.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Sam Zoucha [mailto:szoucha@...]
>Sent: Thursday, May 13, 1999 1:22 PM
>To: eqbards@onelist.com
>Subject: Re: [eqbards] starting stats
>From: Sam Zoucha <szoucha@...>
>Just wanted to add my 2 cents on the stats issue..i have seen many people
>say to pump all u can into strength cause u'll need it for that heavy
>armor...this is true..but..i personally only put 5 into str to bring my
>half-elf str up to 80...why would i do this ? simple with 8- i could wear
>full chain and have enough str to carry quite a bit of loot without being
>encumbered..o what about that heavy plate..not to worry..i for 1 dont plan
>on buying regular plate as it is heavy and ridicously expensive..i am
>currently level 26 and upgrading slowly to pieces of lizard.ie mantle and
>cape..and rubicite. This armor if u didnt know is much lighter than plate
>and just as good(i think, i dont have stats on all pieces)..also got a
>thick leather apron from unrest ac8 weight 1....
>2ndly as you get this high there are plenty of magical items to pump up
>your strength..both as loot and now from enchanters as they get higher up
>in level.
>So as you can see dont worry if your not arnold the bard...i found my
>pumped dex and agility much more useful as lowere level than i would
>At 02:57 PM 5/14/99 -0500, you wrote:
>>From: "Lorrie Hopper" <lhopper@...>
>>I would suggest pumping up your strength above all the other stats, thus
>>enabling you to wear better armor later among other things already
>>in other posts.
>>As far as best race goes, personally I dont think there is one. I play a
>>wood-elf and a half-elf , putting most of the extra points into strength
>>both characters and there isnt a difference in playability that I've seen
>>far. The wood-elf is my favorite though only for convenience sake since
>>get forage and hide right off the bat where as half'elves dont. If you
>>being human go for it, never played one yet as I dont like the lack of
>>Hope this helps =)
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