At 06:45 AM 9/23/99 -1000, you wrote:
>From: "Reece, Tom - 25IDL G4" <g4mntofcr@...>
>I don't remember seeing this posted before so sending it in. On Allakazam's
>site: , there is updated info on the Lute
>of the Gypsy Princess.
> <<...>> Lute of the Gypsy Princess: Healing sone does double healing every
>other heal. (May only work for higher level bards)
>Perhaps this was implemented in one of the two recent patches? If its true,
>the next question is what level do you need to be to get the bonus.
Shada? You still out there? Can you mebbe throw us a test together?
On a side note, I tested the test server test features ;) I like 'em. The
no-drop into the bank is incredibly helpful, and the rearrangeable
spellbook (didn't I just say that couldn't be done?! ) works like a charm.
FYI, ya gotta right click to rearrange.
PLEASE let them put all this stuff through ;)
"This is egg. This is egg on my face. Any questions?"