I disagree. I group up with with a lvl 15 enchanter all the time, and
usually wind up the tank. He whirls and I bellow/heal/buff, etc... and have
never had a problem with my songs causing the affected creature to break
free. I've been grouping with this char several times a week since lvl 5
and have seen the best of times, and the worst.
aka: Goatnatos, Lvl 16 Bard, Povar Server
> -----Original Message-----
> From: errors-160851-667-candel=pobox.com@onelist.com
> [mailto:errors-160851-667-candel=pobox.com@onelist.com]On Behalf Of
> Snicker
> Sent: Friday, May 14, 1999 1:56 AM
> To: eqbards@onelist.com
> Subject: Re: [eqbards] Bards and Invisibility (and other spells)
> From: Snicker <snicker@...>
> At 03:55 AM 5/14/99 -0400, you wrote:
> >From: John Kim <kim@...>
> >
> >On Thu, 13 May 1999, Snicker wrote:
> >>
> >> 3) Bard songs can break root and whirl spells - even if you
> aren't using
> >> offensive ones.
> >
> >I can confirm that Accelerando *will* break root. I tried it
> >when a ghoul rooted me, and was able to move again immediately
> >after Accelerando kicked in. Heal and Anthem didn't seem to
> >affect root though.
> Yes, there is that beneficial effect - but I was referring to the
> detrimental effect. Your party roots said ghoul - but for some
> reason your
> song breaks the root. Any song at all. (Enchanters have been bemoaning
> this for quite some time, which is why few enchanters want Bards in their
> parties),
> Talies on Bristlebane
> http://amtgard.pinkpig.com/bards/eqbard.htm
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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