absolutely. i don't understand the reversal of lustrous russett from
warrior only to all plate wearers. it is obviously intended to be warrior
only and i hope they change it back. every armor from PoF is class specific
to one class. lustrous russett should be no different.
Shada D'ukal, Level 50 Wood Elf Bard
Erisi Dlarit, Level 23 High Elf Paladin
Tyria, Level 17 High Elf Wizard
Mithaniel Marr Server
> What does everyone think about all the changes from monday's
> patch that were
> reversed yesterday? (Box of abu ja'far [sorry, cannot resist
> : )], Hero Bracer
> etc.) Personally, i think the Lustrous Russet armor SHOULD
> BE warrior only,
> but they should have made it so instantly when they
> discovered the error.