> From: <kim@...>
> On Tue, 14 Sep 1999, Kimes, Dean W. wrote:
> > carry around over 1 backpack of stuff if I did. Why does Verant think the
> > solution to everything is to make an item no drop. Bizzarely the Bozemite
> > Pestle, which to my knowledge no one has figured out the use for is now No
> > Drop. Honey Jum on the other hand, while it now requires considerable
> > faction and 30gp instead of 5gp to obtain, is not. Go figure. Why should I
> > have to carry this stupid emerald shard halfway across Norrath to get the
> > other piece, when it would be so much more sensible to put it in the bank
> > while searching for the other piece. Sigh, thank goodness it doesn't weigh
> > 10 lbs.
Amen. My rather emotionally stable bard has been carrying around a Human Head for
two months. Some guy walked up to me and gave it to me, so I figured the safest
thing to do, was thank him & walk quickly away. Well now it's no drop, & I can't
figure the quest this lore item goes to. I've gone to the Tox Forrest to see if
it's the poacher quest, but no....now I have 2 no-drop heads.....
Please Verant, allow us to put no-drops into the bank.
Also if anyone has any info on what this head may be used for....My poor character
is losing it trying to figure out if this is a D elf chain letter, or if she
should just do the Norrath impression of Joe Pessi and wander around w/ "8 Heads
in a Duffle". (For the truly morbid, there are easily enough quests to make this
possible....I've checked)