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Message ID: 6492
Date: Tue Sep 14 20:09:55 BST 1999
Author: Ronnie Roads
Subject: Re: Lute of the Gypsy Princess

I did only a brief test but my subject said there was
no change in the healing rate.

I am now hot on the trail of a battle drum *grin*.

==33 songs
==Mithaniel Marr

--- Renee Cole <nat_ive@...> wrote:
> From: "Renee Cole" <nat_ive@...>
> >I have read several postings on this instrument and
> asked people in-game.
> >The postings and opinions have not been consistent.
> >
> >I now have one and I am told it increases non-self
> healing rate. I plan to
> >test this tonight; I am interested in others'
> experiences as well.
> >
> >My primary question though is: what is it worth?
> Has anyone bought one,
> >sold one, or seen one bought or sold?
> I have one also. I havent seen any difference
> between it and a regular
> lute. (they weigh the same, appear to do exactly
> the same thing)
> Perhaps, as has been suggested here in the past, it
> is a quest item?
> However, the description doesnt say LORE ITEM on it.
> Maybe Verant hasn't
> implemented what it is supposed to do into the game
> yet? When you test it,
> could you please post the results here?
> I was given mine by a guildmate, but I have seen
> them for trade only on
> Povar. (although I admit, being poor right now, I
> usually ignore the auction
> channel)
> -Treehugger and Songmaker

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