Bite the bullet. Dont be afraid to pick up a weapon that you have zippo
skill in. I had used a Mino axe (1Hslash) for a very long time untill I got
my Dragoon Dirk (Piercing) at about level 15. When I started with it I
stunk, but I stuck with it. It took me about 2 earth days of heavy combat
(about 5-6 hours a day) to get my piercing maxed. This has been very well
worth it because now that Im 18th, I have 1Hslash, Piercing, and Duel Wield
maxed at 96. I love Duel Wield becasue its easy to keep two weapon skills
Currently I'm using
Dragoon Dirk
Tentacle Whip (with lifetap :))
I love this combo.. nothing better that hearing the Proc and seeing..
Ahhh.. you feel better..
Sevin 18th Human Bard
on Brell
-----Original Message-----
From: CYR, Thierry [mailto:
Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 10:05 AM
To: ''
Subject: RE: [eqbards] Weapon Choice..or OOPS!
From: "CYR, Thierry" <
Well, i had used a slashing till i got dual wield, i then put a piercing in
my off hand, and now untill last night i used only piercing weapons, being
an ashenwood spear and a dirk. Last night my friend handed me a Silvery war
axe (6/22, same as spear but half the weight). So now im trying to get my
slashing back up to par from when i left it which was around 100 skill.
But ya, most high level piercing weapons you can use are slashing...
the silvery axe
Dont limit yourself as you may regret it one day
Minkin Nehoc
Sol Ro
Finally level 31
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Richard Ashkettle [SMTP:richard_ashkettle@...]
> Sent: September 10, 1999 11:51 AM
> To:
> Subject: [eqbards] Weapon Choice..or OOPS!
> From: Richard Ashkettle <richard_ashkettle@...>
> OK,
> Here is my dilemma. I created my bard as pretty much
> a rogueish lad. I tend to be drunk a LOT (yes, much
> to the dismay of my friends, even in battle) and tease
> EVERYBODY (my clan is SOOO sick of Limericks). In
> keeping with this, I have stuck to peircing weapons
> since level 2 (where I found a nifty rusty spear). I
> am fairly well armed now, with a Dragoon Dirk and a
> Combine Rapier (what I wouldn't give for an Ashenwood
> Spear) and so far I LOVE my choice of weapons (Since I
> NEVER seem to get into a group with more than one
> tank...and usually that is me..I have fit into the
> role of battle bard more than I'd care to think
> about).
> My big question. Am I making a mistake that will bite
> me at later levels? ( me out here) Every
> weapon I've heard about that is decent damage for
> bards at high levels is 1H Slash. Did I, for
> roleplaying purposes, limit my usefulness at later
> levels? I really like the bard I created, as he is
> SOOO different from the Cleric I had, and Im managing
> to turn my guild into a bunch of drunks with me..hehe,
> but I don't want to find out at level 3x that I should
> have chosen to raise my 1h slash, as to do any decent
> damage and be worth my wieght, I need to wield a
> 1hSlash weapon.
> Work with me here folks, Im at work and sober (in game
> and IRL)
> Windolas Stormsong (Still at 20th Song, MM)
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