Yeah, it happens to all of us, and to other classes as well. However, I
really think that Enchanters and Bards are the two most misunderstood classes.
The reason for that I think is that Enchanters and Bards (bards even moreso I
think) are really quite different from ALL of the other classes. Our
abilities are quite unique.
But WE shouldn't underestimate the other classes either. We shouldn't feel
that just because we run the best, most versatile and most subtle class <grin>
that we know everything there is to know about the others.
I have a 23rd level Wizard friend (damn nice guy) that is pretty darn handy at
melee. I'm not sure what stick he's carrying now, but if he's OOM or if the
fight isn't that tough and he doesn't wanna burn the mana he'll step up to the
plate and start swinging. That guy hits for over 20 points a whack with that
damn thing, and his skill is high enough so that he genuinely contributes to
the melee damage. 'Course if he gets hit a couple of times he has to bow
out - not many HPs himself.
Crier Sharpsong - 20th song bard on Fennin Ro
Jason A. Farqu´┐¢
CDI at
----- Original Message -----
From: John Robertson <johnr@...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, September 10, 1999 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: [eqbards] Just a bit of fun (longish)
> From: John Robertson <johnr@...>
> >
> > Anyone else get this sort of thing happen to them?
> You mean group with an idiot? No, I'm sure you're the only one. :)
> Okay, so he wasn't an idiot, that's being cruel, but this happens all the
> time, to people of all classes actually. The only real hope is to explain
> to the person what you were doing and why you were doing it and hope that he
> learns.
> Jyzan
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