>"you are about as much of a tank as t.a.f.k.a.Prince is a bouncer"
>"you have to learn to stop hitting them and let them beat on the others"
>"you have to learn to scrape them onto the real tanks"
>"you have to learn to step out of the melee...it's called 'creative
>"GET OUT!!!"
Well, These are inane, it is NOT the bards job to extricate him or herself,
for one simple reason YOU CAN'T. A same level warrior cannot taunt anything
off me, not ever. Stopping hitting them does absolutly zip when you are
singing a debuff like chains or dennons or god forbid you have lulled them.
They will hit you, there is no point in not hitting back.
I am in the near perfect group as I have said before. Warrior (3 levels
higher), Cleric, Wizard and me the bard. The cleric keeps me healed, the
warrior taunts them off me. But saying I shouldn't be in there wacking is
inane. I can do real damage and so I should be. Tell them to give it up. If
they can't keep you alive it is THEIR shortcoming not yours. My group would
really feel it was their fault if I died. THen again, they are good enough
that I haven't died once while hunting with them. *smiles*
>and then there is the famous....
>which was preceeded by...
>"you try to punch a aviak harrier but miss..."
hahahaha, I have pulled on more than one occasion with the lute *laughs* I
sing lull while I have it then switch in the pause :o)
Tszaaz E'Taurguin