LOL, actually no :) I usually buy my songs 4 to 5 levels ahead of time. I
currently have all my songs through 40 in the bank. Hmmm come to think of
maybe that us why I have been stuck at 30 for the last week.....
Rokenn Swiftsong - Karana server
Master Craftsmen of Societus Argenti
>From: James Schuldes <jgs@...>
>Date: Fri, 3 Sep 1999 08:38:11 -0500
>Ok, I have been "stuck" in level 22 for a good long week now. I think I
>have found the cause. Last time I was at the library in HighKeep, I bought
>my 23rd level song. Does anyone else thing buying songs ahead of time is
>bad luck???
>Sylly Songsynger
>Bard of the 22st song
>Selling Swords and Such
>somewhere on Innoruuk