a lot of procing weapons have this level limitation, but it is different for
each weapon. i.e. ghoulbane will not proc til level 20, staff of writhing
level 28, and ykesha is unknown but believed to be around level 40.
Shada D'ukal, Level 50 Wood Elf Bard
Erisi Dlarit, Level 21 High Elf Paladin
Tyria, Level 10 High Elf Wizard
Mithaniel Marr Server
> From: "Arwen" <arwen@...>
> With regards to the Staff of Writhing... I have one and they
> dont work til
> lvl 28+. I was "given" one at lvl 26 and it didnt work so I
> returned it :) I
> have had my current one since 32 with no problems at all.
> Also the nice new
> toy I have, the Orb of Tishan has Not gone off for me yet (
> BOO HOO) but
> it does bash for up to 32 points of damage...as soon as it
> DOES work I will
> post the results.
> Elyana Silvanae
> Bardess of the 37th Chorus
> Ambassador to the Ridgerunners
> Innoruuk Server