I'm only a lowly 22d level bard and have spent most of the past few levels
in Unrest. I don't think I have ever fought any mob that was buffed with
SOW/SOC. How many types of mobs are we talking about here? I'm guessing
that the only mobs who can cast SOW/SOC are shamans. How much of an impact
is this? If camping these shaman-type mobs that can cast SOW/SOC are like
most of the places I've been, as soon as they spawn the campers are all over
them. Do they even have time to cast the SOW buff before they are attacked?
As I said earlier I've never fought a mob that was buffed with SOW, but I
see this as a problem only if they have time to cast their buffs before they
are attacked.
Guess I'll find out on my own soon when I make 23d level.
Galtin of E'ci
> -----Original Message-----
> From: kim@... [SMTP:kim@...]
> Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 1999 3:30 PM
> To: eqbards@onelist.com
> Subject: Re: [eqbards] More secret nerfing
> From: <kim@...>
> On Tue, 31 Aug 1999, M Sanford wrote:
> >
> > You can now no longer use Selo's Consonant Chains on rooted, ensnared or
> > SoW'd mobs.
> > The rooted or ensnared part I dont mind, but not being able to chain
> > SoW'd or SoC'd mobs is very aggravating. When they flee, they cannot be
> > stopped. Especially in dungeons where the NPCs can cast SoW indoors,
> > although PCs cannot. The mob will flee from you and bring back a nice
> > train.
> This is very distressing. I've written at length about the
> problems and ill-feelings that develop when you make monsters
> work by different rules than players. Instead of reducing
> these differences, Verant seems to be increasing them.
> Unless of course this means that players with SoW or
> Accelerando cannot be rooted by mobs? That still seems
> terribly unfair to the classes who cannot SoW or Accelerando
> themselves.
> --
> John H. Kim
> kim@...
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