On Fri, 27 Aug 1999, Ryan Honeyman wrote:
> * The Tae Diviner can charm people, and he usually does.
> If your party identifies which player is whacking them,
> charm them right back to your side and make them attack
> the Tae. They are much more efficient under charm control,
> than they would be otherwise. If they seem to break charm
> too quickly, drag them in a room, and tell them to sit.
That is a question I've had too. If a mob charms a player,
and you charm him back, what happens to the player when your
charm expires? Does he become free from all charms, or (as
you seem to imply) he revert to being charmed by the mob?
> * AE fear (Screech) - all I can say is 'wow'. I can disperse
> a 10 lizard train at the zoneline in 2 seconds. While being
> swarmed in 4C, this song let me escape into the maze and back
> to the courtyard. 4 mob limits do not apply 'outdoors' and
> cazicthule is considered outdoors. My screen scrolled really
> bad with '... flees in terror' as a horde of lizards ran off.
I'll have to test this in Guk, but I don't think there is a 4
mob limit. The only 4 mob limit I've seen is that at most, 4
mobs will be attacking you simultaneously. If 4 are already
engaged, the rest will be aggor and facing you, but will not
attack. This usually creates the illusion that your area
effect songs are only affecting 4 mobs, since the rest are
usually standing out of range. However, if you physically
move so that more than 4 are in range, they will all be
> * Lullaby. I stopped using this song at level 16 when the novelity
> wore off. Everytime I'd play it, I would usually die. Parties
> don't understand how dangerous this song can be to the bard.
> But now I mem'd it back in my song lineup, and at my level with
> a lute, jeez, I can put things to sleep instantly with very little
> resists. Same as Screech in that I can nod off as many lizards
> that decide to show up, think I did 8 at once last night.
The most I've confirmed is 11 (with one resist). Someone was
talking about putting 20-30 gnolls to sleep in Blackburrow,
while a high level caster cast an area effect spell to kill
them all at once. :-)
> As for blocking casters with this, you either have to be lucky
> or continue to strike them over and over. If you see a judicator
> healing and you press your pixie button, you will almost never
> catch the lizard in time. You will _never_ catch smites, they
> are too quick, and you probably wont ever catch wrath. Twitching
> the button on a visual spell cue means you are too late. Almost
> need to cycle pixie on one target to keep it in check.
That's what I do - hit it over and over with Strike. When it
takes, not only does it interrupt them, it puts them to sleep
until they're hit again. That small pause in their activity
makes it more likely that your next Strike will catch them in
the middle of casting again.
> Mage and pet are attacking a monster, and I charm it. Sometimes
> the pet STILL has the monster on it's attack list and decides
> to attack ME the master of the monster. I was beaten up very
> bad by a magician's own pet last night in cazicthule.
Yeah, bug it.
> Party is fighting a monster, and another shows up and I charm
> the new monster. One party member turns to attack the new monster
> after charm wears off to 'pull it off me' - but I charm it again.
> The monster now has the player who attacked it STILL in it's agro
> list. And without me saying, /pet back off - the monster will
> continue to beat down that player. In fact if I tell the pet
Yeah, but it too.
Another bug is that if a monster decides to go somewhere
(flee, return to home position) and you charm it, it will
ignore your commands and keep going. One of the AIs in
Mistmoore seems to be to return to the castle for
reinforcements. I happened to catch a glyphed ghoul with a
shield returning from a train. I charmed him to pull him to
my group (so that nobody could steal him), but he decided to
return to the castle. I kept telling him /pet follow me and
over and over but he kept walking back to the castle. I had
to zone because I knew he'd turn aggro to me when uncharmed
and bring all his castle buddies after me. I will have to try
/pet back off next time.
> One more bubble til this hell ends...
> Harmonic Distortion, 30th drummer.
Actually, it's two bubbles. In 31 you lose about a bubble
when you die. So until you have a bubble in 31, one death
will send you right back to 30.
John H. Kim