At 11:03 AM 8/26/99 -0700, you wrote:
>Ok here it goes. I have one. So does almost everyone I run with. Why?
>Several reasons. Our troll shaman can be small without wasting mana. We can
>go to grobb to bank and sell. Bouncer Hurd ignores us. These are but a few
>reasons non bard types like the mask. A warning on the mask though. If the
>illusion fails while you are singing ( it lasts approx 15 minutes before
>saying your about to look like yourself again) what ever song you were
>singing will be jammed. I have only been able to unjam it by camping or
Ladies and gents who experience this problem (I never have, so I can't test
it). There is a new command implemented, called /stopsong.
I posted it on usenet, along with all the other / commands. In test, it
stopped my song exactly as if I had hit the button again. My guess is,
this is an emergency fix for the "jammed" occurence.
PLEASE test this, and verify if it works.
Thank you,
Talies the Wanderer
<The Wandering Minstrels>