Hmm either I misunderstood your post or you misunderstood brad's. When this
is implemented and you pull with a dot spell it will no longer do damage
because it will be chasing after you.
Naemin Level 7 Wood Elf Bard
Naeeldar Level 35 Dark Elf Necromancer
-----Original Message-----
From: Sean Kennedy <
To: <>
Date: Wednesday, August 25, 1999 11:01 PM
Subject: Re: [eqbards] End of Kiting?
>From: "Sean Kennedy" <orang@...>
>----- Original Message -----
>From: Blair, Keith (Keith Blair) <kblair@...>
>To: <>
>Sent: Wednesday, August 25, 1999 12:08 PM
>Subject: RE: [eqbards] End of Kiting?
>> From: "Blair, Keith (Keith Blair)" <kblair@...>
>> > we will most likely also slightly increase
>> > the durations of DoT spells to compensate for
>> > the additional time necessary to cast the spells
>> So it's also going to take LONGER to cast DoT spells?
>> > The reports I have in so far basically say
>> > if the monster is out of your melee range
>> > it takes no damage.
>> So in other words, a group cosisting of a wizard and a
>> Shaman for example.. The wizard casts root on the mob
>> and then the Shaman poisons it. Darn, sorry - you're
>> not close enough to the monster, your DoT isn't going
>> to work?
>> How *#*$ stupid can they get?
>> The whole point of a DoT is to poison something. If we
>> as players chase a mob that poisoned us, does OUR
>> poison stop? I bet I can tell you the answer to that
>> one rather quickly. Poison is poison. It's in the body,
>> it doesn't go away just because you have to chase
>> something. I don't normally kite (how boring) but I'm
>> totally against them changing the spells this drastically
>> for everyone just because some people do.
>No, and 2 times NO. You're worse than my fellow shaman!
>/em rolls his eyes in exasperation!
>This was found on
>Posted by Brad McQuaid on August 24, 1999 at 8:31:27PM
>The kiting fix has nothing to do with range. Essentially, DoT spells do
>damage the NPC if the NPC is chasing you and has a velocity. If he is not
>moving or he is fleeing from you, the DoT does damage.
>IF we make this change live, and that's an IF at this point, we will most
>likely also slightly increase the durations of DoT spells to compensate
>the additional time necessary to cast the spells and then set up your
>defense (you tanking, another player tanking, a pet tanking, etc).
>Now this is in direct contradiction to what people CLAIM to have seen.
>Two possibilities :
>1. There's a bug that's causing DoTs to fail outside of melee range
>if you'll simply read the above is NOT the intent)
>2. The caster is simply too distant to see the dropping health. This is
>likely in my experience. I often use Tainted Breath to pull, so that the
>is taking damage while I pull it back. (I've changed to pulling with
>then popping TB when I reach my fighting spot) Often, you will not see
>the mob's health drop when your a ways from the mob, this is a known issue
>that a mob's health bar doesn't refresh if you're too far away.
>Secondly, the phrase "Increase the durations of DoT spells" means more
>of the poison hitting the mob, which will either increase overall damage,
>require less damage per pulse. (undoing part of the change the made to
>to make DoT's more group friendly)
>As far as a RP reason for them to fail, how 'bout when you turn to run, you
>lose control of the spell and it fails? (too busy concentratiing on
>I'm going to have to copy this response to my clipboard, because sure as
>sitting here I'll see a LOT of this when I read the shaman list :(
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