Okay, my opinion on this. Last night I died on the 3rd level of
Befallen... I didn't see the hole in the floor... well, to make a long story
short, many people offered to help and all they did is train monsters into
the room at the bottom of the hole (I was going to corpse train my corpse
back to that room and then die, then /corpse it up through the hole on my
next trip). Even some high level person offered to help and then he took
off and never came back. Needless to say, I was FRUSTRATED. No one in my
guild (The Freeport Raiders), save one of the paladins, could help me and
Befallen seemed to be full of idiots that day. He suggested that I ask some
Guide that "happened" to be in Befallen on one of his/her non-Guide
characters for help. I guess I didn't realize that that same person was
shouting that he would help people retrieve their corpses if they met him at
the well, needless to say that I kept shouting back that my corpse wasn't at
the bottom of the well. >:D Silly me. Anyways, on my FOURTH trek to (DAMN!
McNichols' arena had a power outage during the Detroit/Colorado NHL playoff
game! HAHA!) Befallen I was summoned and when the area load was done, there
I was standing in front of him next to the well, with my corpse at my feet.
- Olan of the Freeport Raiders, 13th level Bard of Mith. Marr
Name: Joseph "Burnt Toast" Chang
AIM / ICQ #: jkchang256 / 11739978
> -----Original Message-----
> Message: 5
> Date: Sat, 8 May 1999 15:50:01 -0500
> From: "Roop Dirump" <roop@...>
> Subject: Re: Retreiving Corpse
> 1. Either you were rude in your /petition
> 2. You tried this when there weren't as many guides in the game
> Few weeks ago I saw a low-mid level fellow resurrected by a guide outside
> the minotaur cave within the hour of his death, around 1 AM EST.
> I had been
> the one who suggested he /petition, and told him to phrase it somewhere
> along the lines of, "A bug where I was charmed through a wall caused me to
> die and now I cannot get my corpse." Important to have the word "bug" in
> there somewhere, I told him.
> This is not ridiculous, you will get help. Now, if one phrased a petition
> something like, "Stupid game got me killed. Get me my corpse now," there
> likely will be no assistance. Not implying you petitioned this
> way, Mully,
> but I'm certain many do. Time shouldn't matter too much, believe Guides
> play at all hours like anybody else.